Agneta Gaines
In the studio - by appointment only.
Hours subject to change. To ensure artist availability, please email.
I was born in Sweden, raised in Stockholm and came to America when I was 20. I have spent most of my American life in Nebraska, in Omaha and Lincoln. I became an American citizen in 1993. My educational background is Swedish – majoring in languages.
I have been immersed in weaving since the 1980’s – mostly wall-hangings. However, I also weave clothing, and knitting and crocheting accessories. I am also interested in felting, especially needle felting.
My work seems to be linked to my Swedish background. I use lots of surface interest with the use of old-fashioned weaving techniques and with Swedish fibers, purchased in Sweden or in the U.S.A. I like to work with natural fibers and to be open to unusual materials and unexpected treatments – many with botanical themes.
I belong to numerous local and national fiber groups and have participated in many local art shows throughout the years. I am a member of the Artist’s Cooperative Gallery in the Old Market.