Carmel Simmons
In the studio - Wed. - Thurs. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Hours subject to change. To ensure artist availability, please call.
As mostly a self-taught artist, I did not take any formal art classes or instruction until my retirement. My teacher gave me advice then that still resonates in my head today. “Be brave” were his words and that has guided me through my journey.
My favorite mediums are oil, watercolor, charcoal and some acrylic. It is not unusual for me to have several paintings in different mediums which I am working on simultaneously. I am predominately a realistic artist, but in recent years have branched out into abstracts.
Painting, for me, is a slow and constant process of trial and error. Each time that I put brush to canvas or charcoal to paper I learn something new. Painting with my studio mates as well as observing the other unique artist here at Hot Shops has proven invaluable.
Art offers the painter a voice and an expression of who they are. The unique aspect of art is to give the observer an experience they will enjoy forever. I am honored to have provided meaningful pieces of art to several personal art collections in several states.